How long does it take for a refund to be processed?
We accept refunds within a 2 week time frame from purchase. We dont offer free shipping on returns. Refunds usually take 24-48 hours to be approved, then 2 to 5 working days for the money to find it’s way back into your account depending on which bank you are with.

How long until my order is despatched?
Your order will be despatch within 1 working day.

What can cause my order to be delayed?
Orders may be delayed during Christmas periods and peak order times. 

My item is damaged or faulty what do I do?
Unfortunately accidents happen and we do our best to ensure each item finds itself to you in perfect condition. If your item arrives damaged or faulty, please email us at within 72 hours so we can work out the best solution for you.

How do I contact Seven Sundays?
If you have any questions, suggestions or feedback please feel free to get in touch via email direct to 

Do you have a phone number?
Being a small business, at this point in time we prefer to be contacted via email to allow us to stay on top of everything. 

Do you have a store?
We do have a brick and mortar store. Our address is 155 Main Street, Bairnsdale Vic 3875 and 50 Metung Road Metung Vic 3909. 

I have sent an email and have not got a response?
Please allow 24 hours for us to get back to you. 

Do you reply to my instagram comments or direct messages?
We wish we could get back to all of our wonderful customers and followers! However we receive so many direct messages and comments each day, some are missed. If you wish to get in contact with us, please email us

How often do you re-stock?
We re-stock with new products weekly. Make sure you follow us on Facebook or Instagram to keep up to date with stock updates.